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Former graphic designer. I used to help evolve products through clear visual communication and timeless design strategy.

I love to work with typography, shapes and color. I have expertise in FMCG packaging, editorial design & product branding. I am solution-oriented. Focusing on simple and functional solutions with the end consumer in mind.

I'm currently not looking for a job and taking an indefinite hiatus from working as a graphic designer. I may update this portfolio with new projects in the future, only time will tell. I hope you have a pleasant day.

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Selected work
woods_copenhagen thumb image
Ismesteren packaging design
Aylon lookbook
Søbygaard brand identity and packaging
Thise Mejeri packaging design
Selected femme lookbook
EASTON donuts logo animation
Rawganical packaging
Gundtoft image
HOME Magazine Design
Vaffel hus logo mockup
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Randi Sjælland's personal portfolio. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2025.